Fall Newsletter & Paula Deen Giveaway!

Hey. So my fall newsletter just went out. Are you signed up to receive it? If not, enter your e-mail address under “Newlsetter Signup” on the right side of my homepage so you can be sure to get all future issues. I send out about 3 or 4 a year–I’m not an in-box clogger! If you didn’t get the latest issue, you can read it here. Since fall is all about comfort food, I am sharing my son’s favorite dessert recipe with you: “Boomerang Boy’s Apple Crisp.” For my latest contest, I am asking you to tell me about your all-time favorite comfort food. Just shoot us an e-mail at [email protected] with “Paula Deen Giveaway” in the subject field and tell us what down-home, stick-to-your-ribs goodness melts away your stresses and gives you the warm-and-fuzzies. Since my friend Paula Deen is the undisputed queen of comfort food, it makes sense that the prize for this contest comes from her.

win a signed copy!

Paula has generously agreed to send an autographed copy of her brand new book (Paula Deen’s Southern Cooking Bible) to the lucky winner I choose at random. So, speak up. Let me know what you whip up when there’s a chill in the air and you need that no-place-like-home feeling. Good luck! And happy fall, y’all!