O Little Town of Bethlehem…

How still we see thee lie…
I have to keep reminding myself that really, this is what Christmas is all about for believers. And I count myself a believer, through it all. A faltering, deeply flawed believer, but a believer nontheless.
We have Frank on the CD player, singing mellow Christmas tunes, but we’re not so mellow. Here’s the by-the-numbers countdown to tour day, which is tomorrow.
1…The number of stopped up toilets discovered this morning.
2…The number of times I’ve actually cooked in the past week.
3…The number of times the Christmas tree has fallen down.
6…The number of decorated Christmas trees in this house.
7…The number of decorated wreathes I’ve created or bought.
28…The number of silver candlesticks Susie’s mom Muvvy polished for me.
1200…approx. the number of Christmas lights on all the trees.
1million…The number of nandina berries rolling around the kitchen floor.
Gabillions…Amount I’ve spent getting this house ready.
Priceless….The feeling of sitting in our living room with the fire burning, seeing the lights of the tree twinkling, sipping wine, enjoying the fruits of our hard labor…waiting for the tree to fall again.

4 thoughts on “O Little Town of Bethlehem…”

  1. LOL- Love it! I saw the pictures in the AJC section online. Very pretty. I keep thinking I’m nuts for not driving 45 minutes (or 1 hr. & 45 minutes with construction on 285) to visit your home. I think I’d want to meet you though and the tour of homes isn’t really for that. We’ll see…..

  2. 1 the number of cakes I’ve goofed up this week.
    0 the number of cakes I’ll be trying next week!

    It’s so nice to find out you have a blog. Merry Christmas! 🙂

  3. Merry Christmas to you and all your brood and everyone… My tree is leaning too and about half the lights have ALREADY burned out, but figure I better leave it alone as seems like anytime I touch it it gets worse….might be the cat climbing in it that was the problem or the dogs looking for their gifts. You know it is sad when there are more gifts under the tree for the dogs than for the people…… oh well we are all dog people and a gift for our critter is a gift for us. Now back to the shopping list of food and a wild dash through ice and so forth to Wallyworld. All of you RE READ BLUE CHRISTMAS OR READ IT FOR THE FIRST TIME…IT IS A FEEL GOOD READ IF YOU ARE GETTING THE CHRISTMAS BLAAS. It is going to be my Christmas Eve read as we are now a house of adults and you know who won’t be stopping by our house this year…of course somebody does fill up the 4 paw stockings so who knows maybe he does stop by.

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